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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

short notice

I've been living in Hong Kong for one and a half year by now, but there are still things that I'm really not used to or that surprises me when it comes to dorm life. My new roommate for the last two weeks just arrived, his name is Nan, doesn't speak a lot of English and the little English he speaks is not very good. He's having an internship with a multi-national investment company for the rest of the summer. The funny thing about this guy is, he's still wearing the pajamas his mom got for him when he was 15 :-), don't know if that's true but the pair of pajamas definitely makes the impression. The bed sheds of most students here have mickey mouse or donald duck patterns, or some other cute patterns. I mean how could you do that with 20??? The other thing i noticed was two nights ago, when i was looking for some food while my stomach was cramping for the low carb diet, was two guys who are taking a shower together. I mean in different showers but still, i noticed that before but never paid attention to it. They chit chat while having a shower. Funny Chinese guys, anyways, last 10 days in Hong Kong for me, flying back to Germany on July 31st....

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Cool and the Gang

Being back in Hong Kong without the people I used to hang out with feels very very different. After our amazing trip through Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Thailand, it was time to part and say "goodbye". Martin left for Sweden last Tuesday and the last shot with Stefan was on Wednesday before he left for Tibet, so now it's only me. But luckily there are still some exchange ppl on campus i know but never hang out with, so it's time to get to know them better. Campus life is going shockingly slow right now, everything is almost empty with almost no familiar faces. What a good environment to work on my thesis :-)
Just booked a flight to Vietnam, two weeks to go!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

beach, sandstorm and the regular procedure

I'm really really lazy with keeping this blog up to date... I just feel like since this is my second stay in Hong Kong, i am not that exited about certain things then i used to be back then. Anyways, the progress of the Master's Thesis is going... slow and i am getting stuck doing other assignments and non-school related stuff. Anyways, i'm telling myself to proceed and learn from the mistakes/laziness but somehow, doesn't always work the way i wanted to.

Anyways, there's a recap from the last couple of weeks:

chinese new year:

went back to Germany to celebrate with my family while my friends are hanging out on the beach in Thailand and hiking up mountains in Malaysia. -10°C and snow versus 30°C and sunshine, you figure that out!!!

Recently Hong Kong is affected by some heavy sandstorms coming in from the mainland which bring us a nasty air with fine sand corns you can taste after spending a couple of hours outside like i did last Sunday, on the beach of course.... we already have a heavily secured border control for hong kong to keep all the unwanted and unwelcome people and stuff outside, what about a filter for the sandstorm??? I mean, isn't the air already bad in Hong Kong??? Something the SAR Government should seriously consider about since Hong Kong made a plus of 13.3 Billion $ during the fiscal year 2009 even though the rest of the World is suffering under the economical crises.

Today my roommate tried to convince me to visit one of the Spas in Shenzhen with a bunch of Japanese Girls... why Japanese Girls? Well he's a tutor taking care of a student delegation from Waseda University coming to Hong Kong on an exchange program. I guess since i have two more essays to write until wendesday before leaving for Yunnan and the fact that i haven't written one word doesn't speak in my favor to spend the rest of the day in a pool while getting a massage. So my Spa for today will be the University Central Library with a not so comfortably chair and a hard wooden table.... I must be crazy thinking about a PhD. Degree for two more years after doing this.....

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Hong Kong the magical place

the fact that we all had the abroad experience.... where everyone left their inhibitions behind and were who they really wanted to be in hk
that allowed for the deepest and most sincere connections between people who would otherwise never have interacted in their home environments

thank you ms. hk for those wise words

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Guilin and Yangshuo

After a month of hard work on my masters thesis, i went for a short weekend trip to mainland china. Since i am located in Hong Kong, near the Guangdong Province, there are not that many sights around. The Pearl Delta became the biggest manufacturing area of the world during the last three decades and elevated China to the worlds second largest economy after the USA. I was accompanied by 12 other students during this amazing trip, i have to admit that it went pretty slow having 13 people in a group and decisions cannot be made quickly. nonetheless it was truly an incredible experience traveling trough a rural area in China. Compared to Hong Kong, Guilin and Yangshuo are very under developed. Most of the people do not speak english and some don't even speak mandarin that well :-) but somehow we made our way. The highlight of the trip was a five hours bicycler ride through the countryside passing rice farmers and water buffaloes. Enjoy the scenery!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

14 days of hong kong reloaded

Time for a new story.
Ich fühle mich wie zu Hause, als ich im Bus saß und die Strecke vom Flughafen zurück an die Uni fuhr, ein komisches Gefühle welches sich in einem ständigen Lächeln auf mein Gesicht ausdrückte. Eine Erklärung dafür habe ich noch nicht gefunden, aber es scheint, als hätte ich mental diese Stadt nie verlassen. It's good to be back home! Es hat sich viel, aber für mich dennoch eigentlich nichts geändert. Die ersten Tagen waren mit Einführungsprogrammen der Uni gepflastert, indem ich mich ziemlich alt fühlte. Im Vergleich zu den "Neuen" habe ich das alles schon gesehen und mir fehlt ein wenig die Begeisterung für diese spannenden Sachen. Langsam aber sicher gewöhne ich mich wieder daran ein Austauschstudent zu sein. Mein Roomie heisst Louis und kommt wieder irgendwo aus der Mitte Chinas, im Vergleich zu Sun, mein Roomie von 2007, ist Louis einen Kopf 20kg größer, studiert Psyschologie und ist an Politik interessiert. Ich wurde dieses Mal dem United College zugewiesen und wohne auch auf dem College Gelände, wir haben Putzfrauen, die unsere Zimmer zwei mal die woche wischen und den Müll auslehren. Ich wusste gar nicht, dass es sowas gibt. Durch die Erfahrung des letzten Austausch ist meine Kurswahl dieses Mal auch wesentlich besser ausgefallen. Literatur für die Magisterarbeit habe ich auch schon gefunden und einen weiteren Professor der meine Arbeit betreut kam gestern hinzu. Besser kann es momentan nicht laufen.

Monday, January 4, 2010

3 days to go

Heute wurde das Visum von Fedex geliefert, in 3 Tagen geht es in Richtung HK! *FREU*

Friday, January 1, 2010

Hong Kong reloaded!!!

Wer hätte das gedacht, dass es mich wieder nach Hong Kong verschlägt?! :-) Ich glaube, dass ich so schnell nicht von dieser Stadt loskomme. Es geht wieder an die Chinese University of Hong Kong, jedoch nicht wie bei meinem ersten Besuch als Austauschstudent, sondern um endlich meine Magisterarbeit über die Bühne zu bringen. Da mein Thema die Demokratisierung Hong Kongs unter der Chinesischen Regierung heisst, läge doch nichts näheres als dieser wunderbaren Stadt einen Besuch abzustatten und mich für die nächsten 6 Monate hier intensiv meiner hoffentlich vorerst letzten Schrift zu widmen. In einer Woche geht es los, Mr. Holiday is back in HK!! Stay tuned